Ori Starling - Portfolio

Name:Ori Starling
Profession:Freelance Translator, Editor, and Writer
Languages:English, Korean

Here you will find examples of my work, done in both a professional capacity and as a hobby.


Hello! My name is Ori Starling. I'm a professional translator, writer, and editor. I'm honored you want to get to know a little more about me!


*** >IS ORI STARLING YOUR REAL NAME?***It is not my legal name! It's the pseudonym I publish (most) of my professional work under. This is because my legal name is so unique that I often end up being the only result on a Google search. For privacy and online safety, I work under this pseudonym. However, it's no less real than my legal name, and I prefer to go by Ori.*** >HOW DID YOU GET INTO TRANSLATING?***I've always been interested in learning languages. From the time I was young, I tried to teach myself Spanish with some cassette tapes because I wanted to connect with my Spanish-speaking relatives. In addition to Spanish, I have had some formal education in Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and have spent the last thirteen years learning Korean. It was even my major in college! Transitioning from language learning into translation seemed the most logical conclusion.*** >WHY KOREAN? WHY NOT SPANISH, IF YOUR FAMILY IS SPANISH-SPEAKING?***Because I enjoy it! Of all the languages I learned, I had the most fun with Korean. Plus, I figured my job prospects would be better if I learned a less-widely spoken language (at least here in the US).*** >IS KOREAN THE ONLY OTHER LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK?***Fluently, yes. I am conversational in Spanish and can get around town in Japanese (though I'm only partially literate in the latter). I'm hoping to change that in the near future and brush up on both languages even as I further my Korean studies.*** >WHAT ABOUT YOUR EDITING AND WRITING?***I've been a writer my whole life (but please don't ask me to show you the stories 7-year-old Ori wrote!). I've written for fun. I've written for work. Words are my art form of choice. And to get better at writing, I had to get better at editing, too!*** >WHAT ARE YOUR PROFESSIONAL GOALS?***Ideally, I'd love to be a full-time translator as an employee with a firm or a company, rather than freelance. I want to continue pursuing my passion with the stability of full-time employment. I also hope to publish a novel one day!*** >STILL HAVE QUESTIONS?***Reach out to me via Twitter or email, both helpfully provided on the Home page.


Entertainment News - Soompi.com (2015-2020)

From October 2015 to June 2016, and then from November 2019 to May 2020, I worked as a freelance translator for Soompi.com, the premiere source of English-language Korean entertainment news. There, I translated news articles on topics including music, dramas, movies, and more. Within two months of my contract beginning with Soompi in 2015, I earned a promotion to Assistant Editor, wherein I oversaw fact-checking and editing responsibilities for other freelance translators.Below is just one example of my work with Soompi. Click here to view the full archive of my work for them!

Choi Jong Hoon Admits To Spreading Illegally-Taken Footage And Denies Attempted Bribery + Prosecution Demands Prison SentenceMar 17, 2020
by K. Z
Regarding Choi Jong Hoon’s alleged bribery during a drunk driving incident back in 2016, prosecutors are recommending a prison sentence upon conviction.At the trial that took place on March 18 at the Seoul Central District Court, the prosecution recommended a sentence of one year and six months for the crime of bribery. If convicted in addition to his other charges, he would face additional penalties of being a registered sex offender, required to complete a sex offender reformation program, and be barred from working in institutes related to children and adolescents for five years.The police previously booked Choi Jong Hoon for offering 2 million won (approximately $1,778) to the officer on the scene at the time to cover up his drunk driving incident in 2016. He was also charged with sharing illegally filmed footage.In response to the recommendation, Choi Jong Hoon’s lawyer stated, “He denies the allegations of bribery, but has admitted his guilt to the remaining charges. The allegations are untrue and we intend to contest the bribery charges.”“Please consider that the amount of money was actually very small and that there was no recognition of bribery (at the time), even if there was a crime,” the lawyer added.The lawyer admitted Choi Jong Hoon’s guilt to the charges of sharing illegally-filmed footage and asked the court to “consider the fact that he did not show the victims’ faces” in the footage.Choi Jong Hoon expressed, “I deeply regret my foolish behavior and I accept my punishment for it. If and when I return to society, I will help my community not as a celebrity but as an ordinary man.”Choi Jong Hoon’s sentence for the charges of attempted bribery and spreading illegally-taken footage will be announced on the afternoon of March 27.Previously, Choi Jong Hoon was sentenced, alongside Jung Joon Young, to five years in prison after being convicted of charges of aggravated rape.Source (1)Top photo credit: Xportnews

Example of one of my translations (left) and the source text (right).

검찰 '음주단속 금품무마' 가수 최종훈에 징역 1년6월 구형(서울=뉴스1) 박승주 기자 = 음주단속 적발 당시 현장 경찰에게 돈을 주겠다고 제의하며 단속을 무마하려 한 혐의로 기소된 가수 최종훈씨(30)에게 검찰이 실형을 구형했다.서울중앙지법 형사1단독 박진환 부장판사 심리로 18일 열린 1회 공판기일에서 검찰은 최씨에게 징역 1년6개월을 구형했다. 성폭력 치료 프로그램 이수와 신상정보 공개·고지, 아동·청소년 관련 기관 5년간 취업제한을 명령해달라고도 요청했다.최씨는 2016년 음주운전 단속 경찰관에게 '200만원을 줄 테니 봐 달라'는 의사를 표현한 혐의(뇌물공여 의사표시)를 받았다. 불법적으로 몰래 촬영한 사진을 메신저를 통해 유포한 혐의(성폭력처벌법위반·음란물 배포)도 있다.최씨 측 변호인은 "뇌물공여 의사는 부인하지만 나머지 공소사실은 전부 인정한다"며 "(200만원 발언은) 진지하게 주려는 의사가 아닌 상황을 모면하려 했던 것"이라고 주장했다.이어 "실제 최씨가 돈을 갖고 있지도 않았고 진지하게 계좌이체를 하려고 하지도 않았다"며 "죄가 되더라도 뇌물 금액이 매우 소액이고 뇌물공여 인식이 전혀 없었던 점을 양형에 고려해달라"고 요청했다.불법촬영물 유포 혐의에 대해서는 "모두 인정한다"면서도 "피해자 얼굴이 나오게 하지 않았던 점을 고려해달라"고 밝혔다.최후진술에서 최씨는 "어리석은 행동을 깊이 반성하고 이제라도 처벌을 받게 돼 홀가분하다"며 "사회로 돌아가면 연예인이 아닌 일반인으로 사회에 도움을 주며 살겠다"고 말했다.최씨에 대한 1심 선고는 오는 27일 오후 이뤄질 예정이다.앞서 최씨는 가수 정준영씨(31)와 함께 성폭행에 가담한 혐의로 1심에서 징역 5년을 선고받았다. 현재 진행 중인 항소심에서도 최씨는 관련 혐의를 부인하고 있다.[email protected]


Fan Comics (2021-present)

Part of my translation passion is carrying that over into my other hobbies, including the media I consume. Oftentimes that includes fan-created works of the different media that I am currently a fan of, such as a television show or a video game. One of my favorite mediums of fanworks is fan comics. I follow many Korean artists and love to consume the work they share with the world. If I'm feeling particularly ambitious, I'll ask these creators for permission to translate their work into English for other fans to enjoy.These fan comics often include content that is not safe for work—from blood and gore to sexually explicit content, I've translated it all. Far from scaring me off, translating such content gives me an opportunity to challenge myself and further grow as a translator and a non-native speaker.However, given that these fan comics do not belong to me and given the nature of this type of content, examples of this work are provided by request only.

Celebrity Social Media - SJTranslations (2013-2016)

For about three years, I ran a translation blog on tumblr. This blog translated the social media posts of K-pop band Super Junior, of whom I was a huge fan at the time. I wanted to share my passion for both translation and the group with others who shared my interests, and to help bridge the culture divide that language barriers often prove difficult to overcome.It was for this reason that I often provided not just translations of the posts themselves, but translator's notes to give further explanation or context for those posts.Have a look at one such example below, or visit the SJTranslations blog for the full archive of my translated posts.

[Image reads: @yesung1106: 天高馬肥 🌾 #천고마비@yesung1106: The sky is high and the horses are fat 🌾 #HighSkyFatHorsesTranslator’s note: This is an old proverb that describes autumn, as the weather in Korea during autumn is very nice following the summer monsoon season and the harvest is best at this time of year.]Original post here.

Song Lyrics

Usually, upon finding a song I like, the first step I'll take is look up the lyrics so I can sing along properly. This is the same process regardless of whether the song is in English or Korean—though the latter often presents a prime learning opportunity! Especially for songs that are not mainstream, like indie groups or musical theatre, I like to take the extra step and translate the lyrics myself. Take a look at the example below of one of my favorite songs that I've translated!I don't usually post these lyrics except in the occasional YouTube comment, as they're mostly for myself. However, further examples of song lyrics translations are available upon request.

PARADISE - FateWhere it is this wind departs to,
I cannot know
But I hope that it reaches you
Wherever you are
Do I long for you more
Because of this fate that I cannot let go?
Where are you, my dear,
That I cannot see you or hold you?
I believe because it is fate
But where is your heart, my dear?
Did the white flower bloom
After learning of your love?
My heart is withering
Unable to bear a single petal
Do I long for you more
Because of this fate that I cannot forget?
Where are you, my dear,
That I cannot see you or hold you?
I believe because it is fate
But where is your heart, my dear?
My dazzling, beloved dearest
My dearest, whom I cannot erase
My heart still clings to you for comfort
You ever come to mind
Does love glimmer
In that heart that I yearn for?
I live in belief because it is fate
But where is your heart, my dear?
But where is your heart, my dear?

파라다이스 - 연어디로 떠나는 바람일까
나는 알 수 없지만
그대가 머문 그곳까지
닿길 바라본다
놓을 수 없는 연이기에
더 그리운가
볼 수 없고 담지도 못한
나의 그댄 어디에
인연이라 믿고 있는데
그대 맘은 어디에
그대의 사랑 알게 하고
흰 꽃을 피웠던가
그 꽃잎 하나 갖지 못해
내 맘 시드는데
잊을 수 없는 연이기에
더 그리운가
볼 수 없고 담지도 못한
나의 그댄 어디에
인연이라 믿고 있는데
그대 맘은 어디에
눈부셨던 그리운 그때
지울 수 없는 그대
연연하는 그 마음 위로
그댄 늘 떠오르니
사랑이란 아른거리는
그리운 마음 하나
인연이라 믿고 사는데
그대 맘은 어디에
그대 맘은 어디에


Translation Editing - J-Novel Club (2021-present)

While my true passion lies in translation, I also have experience as an editor, something I find quite enjoyable! I'm privileged to work as a freelance editor for J-Novel Club, where I edit the translations of popular light novels and manga from Japan.Below you will find the titles I have worked on.

Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I'm Gonna Tell Her How I Feel!In the popular anime Shuya Marionette, there is a character whom everyone looks upon with scorn: the so-called “Piggy Duke,” third son of Duke Denning and a student of Kirsch Mage Institute. This can only spell doom for the current Slowe Denning, who knows he’s been reincarnated into the world of that anime as said villain!There is a ray of hope, however. If he uses his in-depth knowledge of the anime and his unparalleled power as a master of all the elements, surely Slowe can gain popularity with his peers and change his fate! Perhaps this time, he can make the one small wish that never came to fruition in the anime come true: to become a man worthy of Charlotte, his retainer, and to confess his love to her!Credited in: Volumes 1-3, Volumes 7-10.

Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte (Manga Adaptation)One day, Crown Prince Sieg suddenly hears the voices of two gods telling him that his fiancée Lieselotte is a “tsun de rais” villainess destined for a bad end! These gods explain her true feelings, which are too sweet for him to bear. Apparently, her mean streak was a cover for her embarrassment all along. Sieg is now motivated to save her from her apparent doom, but little does he know, the gods are actually a pair of high schoolers practicing their play-by-play commentary on an otome game! Will these students be able to prevent Lieselotte’s bad end by guiding Sieg with their “divine prophecies”?Based on the light novel of the same name, also published by J-Novel Club.Credited in: Volumes 1-3 (Vol. 4 currently in production)

Death's Daughter and the Ebony BladeOlivia is just a baby when the mysterious Z finds her at a temple in the depths of the Forest of No Return. From that day on, the temple becomes her home and Z her family. Z, a god of death, educates her in the ways of the world, in combat, and in the long-forgotten arts of magic—right up until the day Z disappears. Olivia leaves the forest for the first time in search of Z with its ebony blade in hand.Out in the wider world, all is not well. A bitter war rages between the Asvelt Empire and the Kingdom of Fernest, and Fernest is losing badly. When Olivia shows up on Fernest’s doorstep with a sack of imperial heads looking to volunteer, the royal army happily welcomes her into its ranks. Thanks to Z’s training, she quickly proves herself as a ferocious warrior. In fact, she might be just what Fernest needs to turn the tide of the war...but will they accept her lack of people skills and disregard for discipline? And will she ever see Z again?Credited in: Volumes 1-5 (Vol. 6 currently in production)

Only the Villainous Lord Wields the Power to Level UpRyuichi Hasegawa, the top player in a strategic medieval RPG, is granted a special “bonus” by the developer and reincarnated into the game world—not as the protagonist, but as the villainous lord Erhin Eintorian who dies in the prologue!This means Erhin’s survival is a race against time, for his domain is set to be invaded by a hostile foreign power in just one day. In order to save himself, Erhin must use the leveling system that only he can access and his knowledge of the game to prepare his forces. The only hitch, of course, is that there’s no way a villainous lord left a functioning military at his disposal! Can Erhin forestall the tragic fate scripted for him, or is he doomed to play out his own demise?Credited in: Volumes 1 and 2 (Vol. 3 currently in production)


Query Letter Proofreading and Copyediting (2022)

A friend of mine recently approached me with a dilemma. Although he had finished four complete manuscripts, he had never pitched any of them to a publishing agent. His query letter needed work, and so I volunteered to help him with his problem. I provided what guidance I could alongside my services for free, giving him the confidence to enter the query process in hopes of having his first novel published. The experienced served not only to benefit my friend, but also gave me valuable insight on the traditional publishing industry as well as the chance to continue to hone my editing skills for a good cause.

Fan Comic Manuscript (2019)

In a similar vein to the fan-created content that I've translated, I've also edited a fan comic manuscript. It was from a creator who spoke English as a second language, and I enjoyed their content, so I volunteered to edit their manuscript for localization and readability. It ended up totalling around 50 pages.



Content Writer - Actual Fluency (2021)

As an avid learner of languages, the opportunities afforded to me as a content writer for the Actual Fluency blog were priceless. During my time with the blog, I had the chance to test out and write reviews for numerous language-learning programs and platforms. I also got to explore the finer points of language learning, delving into such topics as why Korean is so hard for English speakers to learn and different language learning strategies.You can view the full portfolio of my published work with Actual Fluency here.